Why is cupping painful?

Why is cupping painful? You may have experienced it yourself, or perhaps you’ve heard about it from others, but cupping can sometimes be quite painful. Why is this? Why does cupping hurt? Cupping can be painful when someone has a lot of adhesions. During the cupping treatment, these adhesions are loosened, which can cause discomfort […]
Is cupping dangerous?

Is cupping dangerous? Cupping has been gaining popularity in the Netherlands in recent years. Once a technique primarily used by acupuncturists, massage therapists also began to make grateful use of these techniques. Nowadays, cupping is so well-known that even physiotherapists are applying it. This is not surprising, as it is a fantastic form of connective tissue […]
What does the color indicate in cupping?

What does the color indicate in cupping? After a cupping session concludes and the cups are removed, round marks will always be visible. This is a normal outcome of the treatment and nothing to worry about. It’s also painless. However, the color of these marks may vary from person to person and even from one […]
What is Hijama?

What is Hijama? Hijama is a term that has been increasingly prevalent in recent years, particularly within the Muslim community. However, it’s certainly not new! In fact, Hijama dates back several thousand years and was practiced as early as 200 AD by some renowned physicians. Hijama is a form of cupping where blood is extracted […]
What is connective tissue massage?

Wat is connective tissue massage? Connective tissue massage is a manual therapy technique focused on enhancing blood circulation and improving the flexibility of the skin and the underlying connective tissue. This type of massage involves applying targeted pressure and manipulation to specific areas of the body to alleviate tension, promote relaxation, and stimulate healing. In […]
What is Herbal Cupping? (cupping with bamboo)

What is herbal cupping? (cupping with bamboo) Health problems have been as old as humanity itself. Throughout history, people have sought methods to combat diseases and promote health. Each region in the world has developed its own traditional form of medicine, often evolving over thousands of years. Some of the treatment methods designed over time […]